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Información sobre ofertas de trabajo y otras convocatorias enviadas por Guenter Meyer (en inglés) 1. Position: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Professorship of Modern Arabic Studies, University of Cambrigde The Board of Electors to the His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Professorship of Modern Arabic Studies invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work is connected with one or more areas of Modern Arabic Studies, such as language and literature, politics and society, anthropology, law, religion, or history, to take up appointment on 1 January 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The appointment will be subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University.
Further information may be obtained from the Academic Secretary, University Offices, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TT (e-mail ibise@admin.cam.ac.uk), to whom a letter of application should be sent, together with details of current and future research plans, a curriculum vitae, a publications list, and a completed form PD18 with details of two referees, so as to reach him no later than 2 May 2006.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr James Montgomery, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DA (tel. 01223 335107, e-mail jem33@cam.ac.uk).

2. Position: Academic Project Manager for Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill, Leiden
Within our Publishing Unit Middle East and Islamic Studies we are looking for an Academic Project Manager (publishing) 36 hours per week to manage the publication project of the Encyclopedia of Islam.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
– Coordinate project activities around the publication of the Encyclopedia of Islam Third Edition (EI-3) in print and online
– Management of the network of executive editors, subject editors and others to secure timely publication of the planned volumes
– Evaluate, plan and occasionally assist in writing the entries for the EI-3
– Responsible for the indices and hyperlinks for the entire Encyclopedia
– Being engaged in one of the research programmes of the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), Leiden.
Your profile:
– Excellent project management skills
– At least an MA in the field of social sciences or humanities
– A combination of pragmatic skills and academic authority
– Excellent command of the English language. Preferably knowledge of Arabic or another of the Middle East. (Dutch is not a requirement).
– Affinity with electronic publications.
– Creative, flexible and result oriented.
What we offer
– Stationed in Leiden for a period of at least 3 years.
– Brill Academic Publishers offers excellent primary and secondary conditions of employment.
– The project manager will be offered an affiliate fellowship at ISIM for one day per week.
Written applications should be sent to Brill Academic Publishers, attn. Ms. S.A.A. Nicolaes, Human Resource Manager, P.O. Box 9000, 2300 PA Leiden. You may also respond via e-mail: nicolaes@brill.nl. Further information about this position can be obtained from Mr J.H. Elich, Acquisitions Editor, elich@brill.nl. You may find more information about our firm and publications on our website www.brill.nl

3. Two scholarships in Amman for scholars who recently completed an undergraduate or intermediate post-graduate degree
The Council for British Research in the Levant is seeking to appoint two scholars to be based in Amman, Jordan
The CBRL conducts research in the subject areas supported by the British Academy in the countries of the Levant. It is expected that the successful candidate will recently have completed an undergraduate or intermediate post-graduate degree in a relevant discipline in the humanities or social sciences and will be seeking to develop an active research interest in the area, leading to the production of a significant publication. This post is not intended for students who have commenced a Doctoral degree nor for post-doctoral research. The Scholars’ duties will include research and assisting with the administration of the CBRL’s facilities.
The Amman scholarship is tenable for two years, with a start date of 1 September 2006. Scholars receive an annual scholarship of £6,600 and free accommodation. Further particulars and an application form can be obtained from our website at http://www.cbrl.org.uk/news.shtm or from Penny Wiggins (e-mail cbrl@britac.ac.uk). The closing date for completed applications and references is 8th May 2006. It is anticipated that interviews will be held on Monday 12th June 2006.

4. Post-doctoral Scholarship at ZEF/University of Bonn for Research in the Amu Darya Region
The Center for Development Studies (Zentrum fuer Entwicklungsforschung, ZEF) based at the University Bonn, offers a one year post-doctoral scholarship within the framework of the research project «Local Governance in the Amu Darya Region (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)».
The research project, which is financed by the VolkswagenStiftung, analyses local governance by taking the development trajectories of the three referring countries and the functionality and interplay of formal and informal institutions into consideration. The postgraduate position is foreseen for a comparison of a specific governance dimension in that region. The scholarship includes a field research of three months in the region. More detailed information about the project can be found at: http://www.zef.de/amudarya.0.html
The successful candidate will meet the following requirements:
->a Ph. D. degree in social sciences on a regional topic with excellent
->academic results field study experience in the region excellent
->language skills in Dari/Tajik and/or Uzbek and/or Russian excellent
->English speaking and writing skills
We offer:
->post-doc scholarships of 21,600 ? for a duration of 12 months,
->including employment at an outstanding institute of development
->research reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs during the
->field research participation in an innovative and ambitious research
->project integration in the research group «Governance and Conflict» at
->the department «Political and Cultural Change» (ZEFa) provision of
->contacts, participation at conferences and the promotion of
Interested candidates should submit until 8 May 2006 a letter of interest with a one-page resume, Curriculum Vitae, copies of all relevant academic certificates of degrees obtained, Dr. Conrad Schetter, Zentrum fuer Entwicklungsforschung,Walter-Flex-Strasse 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany; c.schetter@uni-bonn.de

5. Sixth Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 3 – 5 August 2006
Organised by Iran Heritage Foundation (IHF), International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS), and the London Middle East Institute (LMEI)in association with Persian Cultural Foundation (PCF), Foundation for Iranian Studies, Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS), and the Institute for Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
This conference includes contributions in all fields of Iranian studies, especially new areas of investigation and/or novel approaches to traditional fields.
More than 300 presentations will be made within the context of 80 plus panels. Panel topics include: Achaemenid Era, Agrarian Transition, Ancient Art, Anti Semitism/Bahaism, Archaeology, Arsacid Era, Christian/Safavid Relations, Cinema, Clergy, Culture and Cultural Policies, Demography, Diaspora, Economic Growth and Development, Education, Far East/Persian Relations, Foreign Perceptions, Gender, Geography, Historiography, History from Below, Ilkhanid Era, Intellectual Life, Internet, Julfans Abroad, Languages, Literature (classic, contemporary, mystic, epic), NGOs, Pahlavi Era, Politics and Political Culture, Public Opinion, Qajar Era, Reconstruction, Regional Issues, Religion, Russian/Persian Relations, Safavid Era, Saljuk Era, Sasanian Era, Science and Technology (ancient and modern), Secularism, Urban Change, Zoroastrianism.
The conference is scheduled immediately after the Centenary Conference on the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, which takes place at Oxford University from 30 July to 2 August. For more details see www.iranheritage.com/mashrutehconference/default.htm.

6. Call for Papers on Issues about the Gulf
The Gulf Research Center (GRC) is an independent, privately-funded research institute that is based in Dubai, UAE. It is a non-partisan think tank, education service and consultancy provider specialized in the Gulf region. The center is involved in numerous research programs including political, economic, social, defense, and security issues about the gulf.
To contribute to its publication program the center is issuing a formal Call for Papers to interested scholars and specialists in fields of particular importance to the GRC research agenda. Individuals are encouraged to propose additional topics that fall into GRC’s research interests and which make a scholarly contribution to the field.
To have your work considered, a formal proposal must be made to the GRC. The proposal should include the title of the proposed work, a short summary, outlines of both the work and the methodology of research, and a proposed time schedule for completion. All proposals must be accompanied by a CV and two pieces of past research work. Authors must hold graduate degrees or be working towards them. Once the Center has received these materials, authors will be notified of the acceptance, modification or rejection of the proposal from the GRC within a two-month period. Honorariums will be awarded for all accepted and published papers.
For further information please e-mail Bana Qabbani, Publications Department directly under bana@grc.ae. For publication guidelines and other details or to submit a proposal, visit the GRC website http://www.grc.ae

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