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The Middle East Research Competition (MERC) in the social sciences is pleased to announce a new round of research awards and invites proposals from qualified researchers. While open to all research ideas and topics, the program especially encourages applications in the following areas: -Public life: public interest and the public sphere, including the development of public life in societies under study and enhancement of opportunities of public participation for all social groups with emphasis on women and youth

-Development: Research on various aspects of development, both local and national, i.e., sustainable development

-Knowledge and educational capacities: Research on educational capacities and socialization, including citizenship, realities of academic institutions (universities and schools), use of IT, academic curricula, and role of various actors in field of education

-Social issues, including research on gender, the family, old age, and childhood

-Regional and international relations: This includes research on economic and diplomatic relations, post-conflict situations, the psychological and political impact of conflicts and the rehabilitation of  victims of conflict.

Eligibility: Residents of Arab countries and Turkey are eligible to apply for the awards and to participate in the activities of the program.  Residents are persons of any nationality whose current and planned future place of professional practice is in the region.  Temporary residence outside the region for purposes of advanced study does not preclude eligibility. Research proposals may include non-residents as co-investigators.

Research Awards are intended for scholars with previous successful research experience in any social science field. Ph.D. holders in the early stages of their professional careers are especially encouraged to apply.  For exceptionally strong cases, research awards may also be made for Ph.D. dissertation research in the region by students from the region.  In the case of projects involving team research, the principal investigator must have a Ph.D. degree.

Awards are usually made in the range of US$ 5,000 to US $ 15,000.  In the case of awards for team research or to institutions, there is an allowable maximum of US $ 35,000. 

Final and complete research proposals are due on June 7, 2006. For further detailed information on the proposal contact:
MERC  PROGRAM, CENTRE D’ ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES ECONOMIQUES ET SOCIALES, 23 Rue d’Espagne, Tunis- Tunisie, Tél. : 00216322994, Fax :00216326770, Email:   merc@ceres.rnrt.tn

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