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University of London

Professor of Arabic
Department of Languages & Cultures of the Near & Middle East
Professorial scale: £49,280 – £72,318 p.a inclusive of London Allowance Vacancy No: 100212

We propose to appoint a Professor of Arabic from September 2007.

SOAS is one of the leading research and teaching institutions for Arabic
in the world. The Department possesses enviable strength in the fields
of Modern and Classical Arabic language, literature and culture, in
addition to eminence in other ancient and modern Near and Middle Eastern
subjects. The Department also houses the Centre of Islamic Studies,
which is responsible for producing the Journal of Quranic Studies.

The department achieved a grade of 22 out of 24 in the most recent
Teaching Quality Audit and a grade of 5 in the latest Research
Assessment Exercise. In 2005 the School’s excellence in the teaching of
African, Asian and Middle Eastern languages was recognised by the
establishment of a HEFCE-funded Centre of Excellence in Teaching and
Learning (CETL) for Languages of the Wider World.

You will be expected to have a research and publication record of high
international standing in one or more of the areas of Arabic language,
literature and culture, a record of high quality teaching and research
supervision, and a proven record of academic leadership in promoting the
subject area.

You will also be expected to play a central role in the development of
an expanding programme of teaching and research in Arabic as it enters a
period of renewal, and to contribute to teaching across the range of
language, literature and culture. You will be active in generating
research income and continue to conduct outstanding research that leads
to publication.

You can obtain further information about SOAS and the Department of the
Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East from the Head of the
Department, Professor George Hewitt (gh2@soas.ac.uk).

An application form and further particulars can be downloaded from
www.soas.ac.uk/jobs. Alternatively, write to the Human Resources
Department, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell
Square, London, WC1H OXG, fax no: +44 (0)20 7074 5129 or e-mail
humanresources@soas.ac.uk stating your name, address and the vacancy
reference number. CV’s will only be accepted when accompanied by an
application form.

Closing date: 16 February 2007

SOAS values diversity and aims to be an equal opportunities employer.

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