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A researcher is sought for a full-time position in the Sultanate of Oman, initially for a one year period. The researcher will conduct archival and other research in Oman, in support of cultural and historical projects managed by a UK-based consultancy company.

The researcher will have access to libraries and archives in Oman, and will have the opportunity to pursue their own research alongside their consulting work.

An appropriately qualified candidate will be experienced in conducting archival research in Arabic material, will hold a PhD (or be near to completion) in a relevant discipline (e.g. Arabic literature, history, philology, philosophy, Islamic studies) and will be a fluent communicator in both written and spoken Arabic and English.

GBP22,000/year tax free, plus housing and car.

Organisation: Jeremy Jones Associates Ltd

Closing date: 15 May 2006, Interviews will be in late May.

Further information: http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/browse/education/research/vacancy-1129156.html?sendtoafriend

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