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Puesto de trabajo: Coordinador de la Fundación Heinrich Boell en Ramallah

The Heinrich Boell Foundation, a German organization affiliated with the Green party is currently offering the position of a Project Coordinator
in its Arab Middle East Office in Ramallah. S/He will work as part of the local staff closely with the director and the program coordinator on an established program of project support
(within the fields of democracy, environment, women’s rights, media and conflict resolution) for NGOs in the region (Palestine, Jordan, Egypt)
as well as in initiating activities within the office’s civic education program.

Duties include:
* On-going exploration, planning and implementation of project ideas also in cooperation with local, regional and international partners *
Exploration of fundraising possibilities and writing of proposals especially with regard to relevant EU funding programs * Assistance in
the overall management of the office assuming principal responsibility for coordinating program areas as well as reviewing proposals, preparing
budgets and monitoring expenditures, develop capacity building and other support for partners * Provision of up to date reports and analysis
about relevant political, economic and social developments in Palestine and the region * Production of specific literature review, policy
research and writing assignments * Providing information, establishing contacts and maintaining liaison with partner institutions and
organizations in Palestine and throughout the region and assistance in networking

Candidates should have the following qualifications:
* Academic degree in Social or Political Sciences, Media, Management or related field * Extensive knowledge in program planning, implementation
and administration * Minimum of three years of working experience with or close knowledge of NGO sector in Palestine, preferably in the region
* Demonstrated ability to function independently within a broad framework, conceptualize program in a creative manner and interact with
individuals and non-governmental as well as governmental institutions *
English and Arabic fluency and ability in written and oral communication required, German is desirable * Good computer skills

Please send resume and letter of interest no later than June 25th, 2006
to: Facsimile: 02-2961122 or E-mail: info@boell-ameo.org

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