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Application for the Sharjah Chair of Islamic Studies, Exeter

Applications are invited for the Sharjah Chair of Islamic Studies,
Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies, School of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Ref. 9173, tenable from a start date between October 2006 and
September 2007. The appointee will be expected to have a research and publication record
of the highest international standing in the broad field of Arabic
and/or Islamic studies.  In teaching and research supervision the
appointee will similarly be expected to have shown academic leadership
in promoting the subject area.  The ability to demonstrate
administrative leadership will be an advantage.  Fields of interest may
include any concentration or combination of Arabic and/or Islamic
studies.  An illustrative, but not exclusive, list of research/teaching
domains of interest will be: Islamic history and civilisation, Islamic
theology and philosophy, Sufism and contemporary Islamic studies,
Arab/Islamic intellectual history, the sociology and anthropology of
Islam, classical Arabic literature and literary criticism, Arabic
grammar and linguistics and translation studies. 

Salary will be by negotiation.  Interviews will be held on 11 October
2006 or soon thereafter.  For an informal discussion of the post please
contact Professor Rasheed El-Enany at r.el-enany@exeter.ac.uk or +44
(0)1392 26 40 27.  Application packs for this post are available from
www.exeter.ac.uk/jobs; e-mail M.A.Wills@exeter.ac.uk ; or telephone
(01392) 263120, quoting reference number 9173. 

The closing date for completed applications is 11 September 2006.

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