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The Institute of Ismaili Studies . Research Associate
The Institute of Ismaili Studies invites applications for the position
of a Research Associate in  Quranic Studies, for the Department of
Academic Research and Publications.  Your  main  responsibilities
will  be  to  undertake  research  on  current
and  future  projects  of  Quranic Studies with a view towards
preparing specific works for publication.  Other duties  include
assisting  with  the  development  of  the Quranic  Studies  seminar
series  and  possibly  teaching on the Graduate programme.
Other tasks will include participating in all relevant Quranic Studies
meetings, workshops and  conferences and  in  other  relevant
research  at the  IIS  that  has  been agreed  upon  with  the

The position requires a PhD in Islamic Studies and preference will be
given to candidates with specialisations in the following areas:
Quranic and Tafsir Studies, Kalam, Intellectual history of  Islam and
other  related  topics.  An  advanced  knowledge  in  reading
classical  Arabic  texts  is essential.
The  ideal  candidate  will  also  possess  an  excellent command  of
the  English language  and attention to detail is essential.

The  closing date is Friday  24th   November  2006  and  interviews
are  scheduled  to  take  place  shortly thereafter.

To apply please send a CV and covering letter to:

Miss Laura Jeffrey
Human Resources Officer
The Institute of Ismaili Studies
42-44 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0EB

The Institute of Ismaili Studies is an equal opportunities employer.
For more information, visit  our website at www.iis.ac.uk

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